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Close Up of Corn Field

Soil and Water
Conservation District

"To educate and assist all people in the conservation of the valuable natural resources of Morrow County."

Wooden Deck

Morrow SWCD



   Launched by Governor Mike DeWine in 2019, H2Ohio is a comprehensive water quality initiative that is working to strategically address serious water issues that have been building in Ohio for decades. 

   Such problems include harmful algal blooms on Lake Erie caused by phosphorus runoff from farm fertilizer, failing drinking water, wastewater, and home sewage treatment systems due to aging infrastructure, and lead contamination from old water pipes and fixtures.

H2Ohio is driven by three agency partners:


Reducing Agricultural Phosphorus Runoff

Creating, Restoring, and Enhancing Wetlands


Enhancing Water Quality and Improving Public Health


The Role of Soil and Water Conservation Districts


   H2Ohio incentivizes farmers to implement proven, science-based, cost-effective, best management practices (BMP). Producers work with their Soil and Water Conservation District to determine which practices will have the most effectiveness on their farm while still producing a high yield of crop.


   A Voluntary Nutrient Management Plan (VNMP) is required for all cropland enrolled in H2Ohio. The VNMP shows the amount of nutrients in the soil and helps determine which BMPs will be most effective.

Natural Resources Conservation Service

   Conservation Practice Standard

OSU Extension - Bulletin 974

   Fertilizer Recomendations

Ohio Revised Code

   Fertilizer Definitions

   As of June 17, 2024, the state acreage limit has been met, therefore no new applications are being accepted at this time. 

   Voluntary Nutrient Management Plans (VNMPs) and Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plans (CNMPs) apply to cropland acres in the program area. Acres receiving Payment under any other county, state, or federal program (EQIP, MWCD, etc.), for nutrient management are not eligible. Cropland enrolled in CSP and receiving payment for NRCS Practices 590 are not eligible.


   All Nutrient Management Plans must be written and implemented to the current NRCS 590 Nutrient Management Standards.​​​


   All nitrogen and phosphorus application rates must follow 2020 Tri-state Fertilizer Recommendations (OSU Ext. Bulletin 974).​​​


   Nutrient Management Plans developed and implemented through H2Ohio must meet the minimum requirements set forth in ORC 905.31 (DD)


  • Soil tests must be compliant with the NRCS Field Office Technical Guide and not older than 4 years.

  • Documentation of the method and seasonal time of utilization and application of nutrients

  • Identification of all nutrients applied, including the location, spreadable acreage, crops grown and actual, as  well as, projected yields. 


   H2Ohio contracts will operate in two phases. Phase 1 requires the enrollment of the producer in the programs and the development of a Volunteer Nutrient Management Plan. Phase 2 requires the implementation of the Nutrient Management Plan from Phase 1. 


1. VNMPs and CNMPs Development 


-To increase producer collection and use of soil test results to develop nutrient recommendations.

-To properly utilize commercial fertilizer, manure and/or organic by-products as a plant nutrient source or soil amendment

-To reduce agricultural nonpoint source pollution of surface water and groundwater resources.​



-Plans will be developed in the MyFarms application

-Phosphorus rates shall not exceed a two-year recommendation

-Nutrient Management Plans may be developed by an ag retailer, independent crop consultant, or producer

-Nutrient Management Plans must be reviewed and approved by the local SWCD Board of Supervisors or director's designee

-Average yield shall be used for fertilizer recommendations











-Upon the upload of H2Ohio application, field boundaries, current soil tests (shapefile format) and Nutrient Management Plan to MyFarms

-Upon Approval Certification of the Nutrient Management Plan by the Morrow Soil and Water Conservation District

2. VNMPs and CNMPs Implementation 


-To certify that the Voluntary Nutrient Management Plan (VNMP) and/or Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan (CNMP) was followed

-To properly utilize commercial fertilizer, manure and/or organic products as a plant nutrient source or soil amendment

-To reduce agricultural nonpoint source pollution of the surface water and groundwater resources



-​Implementation will be verified by reviewing planned nutrient application records to actual application records for the crop year within the VNMP and/or CNMP and MyFarms application Process

-If any nutrient BMP results in an overapplication, the grower forfeits all related nutrient BMP incentives. 











-Upon the verification of alignment of approved planned and actual nutrient application records for the current crop year. 


Basic VNMP Implementation:

-Soil tests must represent 25 acres or less 

-Any nutrient application for the crop year that is a flat rate application of phosphorus



Precision VNMP Implementation:

-One soils sample must represent no more than six acres for grid sampling and no more than 12 acres for a zone management system

-Must consist of both georeferenced soil test results and one variable rate P205 prescription map





Office Location:

5362 US Highway 42

Mt. Gilead, Ohio 43338

Suite 202



Office Hours:


8:00a.m. - 4:30 p.m.




(419) 946-7923

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Programs and assistance of the Morrow Soil and Water Conservation District are available without regard to race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, age, national origin, ancestry, disability or veteran status.

© 2022 by Morrow Soil and Water Conservation District. Proudly created with

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